- 适老型城市建设研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)08-0021-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:天津市教委高等学校人文社会科学研究项目(项目编号:20112309)
- 作者简介:李汉琳(1979-),男,汉,天津人,天津城市建设学院建筑学院讲师,研究方向:环境艺术设计、建筑设计及理论;
- 天津市滨海新区老年人住区环境空间设计研究
- The Study on Space Design of Elderly Residential Area, Tianjin Binhai New Area
- 浏览量:
- 李汉琳 史津 高楠
- LI Han-lin SHI Jin GAO Nan
- 摘要:
我国已进入典型的“老年型”社会,各种各样的老龄问题接踵而来。滨海新区原有的住区环境已不适应老年人行为和心理的要求,住区环境问题日益凸显。针对滨海新区住区环境的空间布局和空间设计方面存在的空间层次、可达性、坐息空间设计、步行空间设计和绿化空间设计等问题,应用老年心理学、生理学、环境设计等相关理论,提出了注重安全性及舒适性的设计原则,以及增加空间层次、结合绿化空间、细化空间设计等相应的设计方法。 - 关键词:
滨海新区;老年人;住区环境空间设计; - Abstract: As China has entered a typical aging society, a variety of problems concerned come one after another. Now in Binhai New Area, the original environment in residential areas no longer meets the requirements of elderly behavior and psychology, and environmental problems become more apparent. By application of the theories of geriatric psychology, physiology and environmental design, design principles that focus on safety and comfort were proposed, as well as the design methods of increasing the spatial arrangement utilizing green space and detailed space design to the solution to the problems about spatial layout and design, such as spatial hierarchy, accessibility, recreational space design, walking space design and green space design.
- Key words: Binhai New Area; the elderly; residential environment design
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