- 城市慢行系统建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)09-0017-06
- 中图分类号:U12 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:邓一凌,东南大学交通学院博士研究生;
- 西雅图步行交通规划经验及启示
- The Experience and Inspiration from the Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan
- 浏览量:
- 邓一凌 过秀成 叶茂 过利超 龚小林
- DENG Yi-ling GUO Xiu-cheng YE Mao GUO Li-chao GONG Xiao-lin
- 摘要:
西雅图是美国公认的适宜步行的城市,并于 2011 年被评为全美步行友好社区项目铂金奖。步行交通规划在西雅图建设步行城市的过程中起到了重要的作用,本文详细剖析了西雅图步行交通规划,包括规划任务、目的、目标的制定,规划内容的组成,规划中应用的分析技术,以及规划的实施计划和评估。在此基础上,分析规划成功的原因和对国内步行交通规划发展有益的经验,即规划的综合性、理性的技术、资金统筹与实施计划、评估机制、公众参与等。 - 关键词:
步行城市;步行交通规划;分析技术; - Abstract: Seattle is a recognized walkable city in the United States. It won platinum award in the Walk Friendly Community program in 2011. Pedestrian master plan plays an important role in the process of building walkable city in Seattle. This paper analyzes the pedestrian master plan, including the formulation of planning mission, goals and objects, the composition of the planning content, the application of analysis technology, the implementation plan, and planning evaluation. Based upon this, the reasons for the success of the plan and the inspiration to the pedestrian master plan in China are proposed, namely comprehensiveness, rational technology, fund and implementation plan, evaluation mechanism, and public participation.
- Key words: walkable city; pedestrian master plan; analysis method
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