- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2012)09-0049-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:居阳,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院本科生;
- 基于话语权的历史街区更新公众参与研究——以福建长汀店头街为例
- Research in Discourse-power-based Public Participation in Historic District Regeneration: A Case Study of Diantou District, Changting, Fujian
- 浏览量:
- 居阳 张翔 徐建刚
- JU Yang ZHANG Xiang XU Jian-gang
- 摘要:
公众参与是城市规划中的重要理念与组成部分。而参与群体的界定模糊和权限的分配不当则是引起当前规划公众参与失序的重要原因。文章尝试从公众参与制度构建的角度,引入话语权的基本思想,构建一个基于话语权的公众参与制度;划定包含三大类五种要素不同等级的话语权空间,建立基于 GIS 空间定量分析的区划方法,确定不同公众参与人群所处的空间范围和类别;制定话语权分配落实机制,明确处于不同话语权空间内相应人群的话语权。构建这一基于话语权的公众参与制度,以实现有序的公众参与,从而确保规划的科学性、参与性与可操作性。 - 关键词:
公众参与;话语权;空间区划;历史街区改造更新; - Abstract: Abstract: Public Participation is an important concept and component in urban planning. However, the ambiguous classifcation of participants and the inappropriate distribution of power lead to disorder in the undergoing public participation process. By learning public participation system, this study is going to introduce the concept of discourse power and establish a discourse-power based public participation system. The study develops a division methodology by using GIS-based spatial quantitative analysis approach, and builds space of discourse power by fve factors belonging to three categories to identify the spatial scope and groups of participants. It also establishes a mechanism of distribution and implementation of discourse power, to clarify certain discourse power of participants in certain space of discourse power. By building such public participation system, the study attempts to achieve an ordered public participation, to guarantee scientifc, participatory, and operational urban planning.
- Key words: public participation; discourse power; spatial division; regeneration of historic district
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