- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)01-0057-04
- 中图分类号:TU981 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:蒋蓉(1973-),成都市规划设计研究院规划二所副所长,高级工程师,注册规划师;
- 基于“两规合一”的成都乡镇村综合规划编制探索
- The Formation of Comprehensive Planning of Town, Township and Village Based on the Coordination of Urban Plan and Land Use Plan in Chengdu City
- 浏览量:
- 蒋蓉 李竹颖 晁旭彤
- JIANG Rong LI Zhu-ying CHAO Xu-tong
- 摘要:
城乡统筹背景下,成都市以“两规合一”的思路及“导则研究+ 三个试点镇推进”相结合的方式,开展乡镇村综合规划编制。本文在总结成都市8 年城乡统筹规划实践经验的基础上,结合综合规划编制实践,总结了乡镇村综合规划编制的技术、方法和内容等方面的有益探索,以期对实现“规划一张图,城乡全覆盖”有所贡献。 - 关键词:
两规合一;乡镇村综合规划;城乡统筹; - Abstract: Under the background of urban-rural integration, Chengdu carries out comprehensive planning of town, township and village with the concept of coordinating urban plan and land use plan and the mode of combining guide rule and three pilot towns. This paper summarizes the experiences of urban-rural integration in Chengdu, and explores the technology, method and content from formulation practice of comprehensive planning, hoping to perfect the planning system in our country.
- Key words: coordination of urban plan and land use plan; comprehensive planning of town, township and village; urban-rural integration
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