- 公交都市的解析与探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)01-0015-08
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:徐康明,上海三亦城市规划设计有限公司,规划师,研究方向:城市交通政策,城市管理,公共交通,交通需求管理研究;
- 构建公交都市公交骨干网络的经验与启示
- Experience and Guidance for the Development of Transit Backbone Network for a Transit Metropolis
- 浏览量:
- 徐康明 冯浚 何民 李佳玲
- XU Kang-ming FENG Jun HE Min LI Jia-ling
- 摘要:
本文对“公交都市”的内涵进行了阐释,并通过总结纽约、香港、哥本哈根、库里提巴、苏黎世和常州6 座不同类型城市建设“公交都市”的具体经验,提出了6 座城市经验对中国城市发展公交都市的启示。文章指出,公共交通骨干网络规划及实践关系到公交都市建设的成败,重要的是不要盲目追求特定的大容量公交模式、线网形态,而应该根据各自城市的形态、出行特征、经济发展水平量身制定公共交通骨干网络的发展规划和实施策略。 - 关键词:
城市交通;公共交通;公交引导城市发展(TOD);公共交通网络; - Abstract: This article discusses the definition and characteristics for a transit metropolis and summarizes development experience for New York, Hong Kong, Copenhagen, Curitiba, Zurich, and Changzhou. It also summarizes their experiences relevant to Chinese cities. The article emphasizes that the key to develop a transit metropolis is the strategy for the development of its transit backbone network. It is necessary for a city to choose proper transit mode, to develop a network plan according to a city’s spatial structure, travel pattern, and economic development. It is important for a city to have its own proper strategy and right implementation approach for the development of a transit metropolis.
- Key words: urban transportation; public transportation; transit-oriented development (TOD); transit network
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