- 公交都市的解析与探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)01-0023-06
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:陈素平(1983-),女,宇恒可持续交通研究中心项目专员;
- 轨道沿线常规公交线网优化——基于目标要素分析法
- The Optimization Methodology of Bus Network around City-Metro Corridors based on the Key Performance Indicator Analysis
- 浏览量:
- 陈素平 刘岱宗 姜洋
- CHEN Su-ping LIU Dai-zong JIANG Yang
- 摘要:
目前各大城市都在进行大规模的轨道交通建设,大运量、高速度的轨道线路投入运营后,如何对现有的城市公共交通网络进行优化调整成为亟待解决的问题。文章以公交企业利益、代表乘客利益的公交服务水平和公交网络运载效率三方均衡发展为优化目标,构建公交线网优化评价指标体系,采用目标要素分析方法,抽离各评价指标的关键要素,并基于上述关键要素对公交线网优化的比选方案进行进一步分析,并选取最终的实施方案。本方法论已经在重庆市基于轨道交通的公交线网优化实例中得到了实际应用,并获得了很好的成果。 - 关键词:
线网优化;企业效益;服务水平;网络运载效率;目标关键要素分析; - Abstract: Some large-scale Chinese cities are constructing metro systems now in order to solve traffic problems. It requires an effective and efficient way to adjust the bus network along these metro corridors to integrate the transit system well. This article proposed an methodology to evaluate the transit network optimization by using critical performance indicators that combined the bus company’s profits, the level of service on behalf of passenger’s benefits, and the efficiency of the multi-mode transit network. Those key indicators will guide the optimization proposal. This research has been applied for the project of Chongqing transit network optimization and integration around metro corridors. The results show that the proposal well balances and optimizes the benefits among companies, passengers and network efficiency.
- Key words: transit network optimization; bus company’s profits; level of service; network efficiency; key performance indicator
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