- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)01-087-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:邵继中(1979-),男,博士研究生,东南大学建筑研究所,澳大利亚注册规划师,解放军理工大学地下空间研究中心总规划师,研究方向为城市规划及建筑设计理论;
- 中国地下空间规划现状与趋势
- The Current Situation and Tendency of Underground Space Planning in China
- 浏览量:
- 邵继中 王海丰
- SHAO Ji-zhong WANG Hai-feng
- 摘要:
对于城市的地下空间规划,中国许多城市已进行了初步探索,积累了一定经验。但同时,由于法律、政策、技术等原因对地下空间规划的未来发展形成了阻碍。所以,本文通过对中国城市地下空间规划现状的调查与分析,剖析现阶段地下空间规划与利用过程中的有关问题。创新性地提出建立与地面规划相协调的从总规到详规的统一体系,并展望地下空间规划的未来蓝图。 - 关键词:
地下空间规划;规划体系;城市可持续性发展;未来发展趋势; - Abstract: Many cities in China have carried out the preliminary explorations about urban underground space planning, and accumulated experiences. However, the underground space planning has some barriers on the way of its future development due to the law, government policies, technical problems etc. This article shows results of investigation and analysis about the current situation of Chinese urban underground space planning, dissects the relevant issues in the process of current underground space planning and utilizing. It also proposes innovatively in this paper to establish the unified system which is coordinating with the ground planning, and includes both general regulations and the detailed regulations. The underground space planning blueprint for the future is also descried.
- Key words: underground space planning; planning system; urban sustainable development; future development tendency
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