  • 城市发展战略
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)01-0094-04
  • 中图分类号:F291.1    文献标识码:A
  • 作者简介:胡刚(1958-),男,汉族,浙江宁波人,暨南大学公共管理学院教授,主要从事城市与区域发展、城市群管理等方面研究; 杨亚男(1987-),女,汉族,浙江温州人, 暨南大学公共管理学院助教,主要从事行政管理、城市管理等方面研究。
  • 穗莞合作的体制•机制•途径研究
  • A Study on the Structural, Mechanism and Approach of the Cooperation between Guangzhou and Dongguan
  • 浏览量:
  • 胡刚 杨亚男
  • HU Gang YANG Ya-nan
  • 摘要:
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Guangzhou and Dongguan are connected to each other, and have their own advantages on industrial structure and city function, so they get a strong foundation for cooperation. After they signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, the cooperation of these two cities began to step into a stage of practical operation. However, the partnership of these two cities was just established, and the specific cooperation plan needed to be explored further. This article is based upon the theory of combined city. Through a comprehensive analysis of the practical foundations and conditions of this cooperation, the paper puts forward the idea of building a combined city of Guangzhou and Dongguan, and gives the related countermeasures and suggestions on the institutions, mechanisms and approaches of the combined city.
  • Key words: city cooperation; combined city; management system; approaches
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