- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)01-0103-08
- 中图分类号:TU984.2 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(项目编号TD2011-32)资助项目。
- 作者简介:钱云,北京林业大学园林学院讲师,博士;
- 现代化进程中哈尼族聚落的形态演变研究——以云南省勐海县曼冈寨为例
- Impacts of Modernization on Physical Transition in Hani Villages: A Case Study in Mangang Village, Menghai County, Yunnan Province
- 浏览量:
- 钱云 杨雯 郦大方
- QIAN Yun YANG Wen LI Da-fang
- 摘要:
哈尼族是居住在我国西南山区的众多少数民族之一,长期以来保留了大量社会文化传统和独特的聚落形态,是乡土聚落研究中极有价值的研究对象。近年来受现代化进程的影响,哈尼族传统的聚落形态开始产生变化。本文基于乡土聚落形态演变理论,选择云南省勐海县曼冈寨为案例,充分利用测绘、访谈等研究方法,探讨了哈尼族血缘、政治、经济三种社会关系的变化与聚落形态演变的相互关系,为深入理解这一进程提供了良好的实证案例。 - 关键词:
哈尼族;曼冈寨;聚落形态;演变; - Abstract: Hani people are a group of ethnic minority in China who live in remote southwest mountainous provinces. In a long history, Hani people were isolated from modern society and preserved their distinctive culture, life styles and social structures, which were well reflected by the physical form of traditional Hani villages. In recent years with impacts of China’s economic reform, the villages are quickly modernized, and the tradition has changed. This paper aims to focus on the transitional process based on a multi-disciplinary framework, and explores the mutual relations between physical and socio-economic changes of the villages. By the case study in Mangang Village, Yunnan Province, the research team mapped the site to make sure the recent physical changes of the village, and then interviewed dozens of local residents to understand current socio-economic transition, including the disorganization of the traditional clan relationships, the decline of traditional religious authorities, and the mercerization of agricultural production. It contributes valuable first-hand materials to the study of vernacular settlement in China.
- Key words: Hani people; Mangang Village; physical form; transition
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