- 城乡统筹
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)10-0082-7
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:湖南省社会科学院青年科研基金课题(2012Qnkt6)
- 作者简介:曹前满(1975—),男,湖南省社会科学院工业经济研究所,博士,研究方向:区域经济与产业转型等。
- 比较毛泽东工业化的城乡一体化实践与当今新型城镇化构想
- Analysis on Urban and Rural Integration of MAO Zedong's Practice and the Idea of New Urbanization
- 浏览量:
- 曹前满
- CAO Qianman
- 摘要:
自毛泽东领导的建设时期, 就强调区域平衡、城乡统筹。因我国工业发展滞后,实行以重工业为主导的工业化追赶,现代城镇体系按先大城市后小城镇的序列发展。伴随工业化推进是城乡二元化结构的形成。基于两个转型时代的城乡统筹发展瓶颈和机遇的分析,指出构建我国新型城镇化必须考虑到农村对城市生活服务需求,发展地域的中心城镇,向农村辐射城市功能;创造出良性的经济生态;构筑地域生活圈、经济圈乃至文化圈作为承载地域经济循环、生产集约、环境友好、文化保存的载体,实现地域自立性经济成长。 - 关键词:
毛泽东;工业赶超;城乡一体化;城市功能;新型城镇化; - Abstract: Chairman Mao put emphasis on regional balance, urban and rural as a whole. Because our country industry development lags behind, implementation of the priority of heavy industry was adopted. With the industrialization advancement, the urban-rural dual structure was formed. Based on the analysis of two transformation era of urban and rural development bottleneck and opportunities, the paper points out that when building new urbanization in our country we must consider the rural to urban life service demand, develop the regional center towns, build rural and urban radiation function and create a benign economic ecology.
- Key words: MAO zedong; catch up with industrialization; the integration of urban and rural areas; urban function; new urbanization
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