- 信息技术与城乡规划发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)10-0022-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:戴忱(1982-),男,硕士,江苏省城市规划设计研究院城市规划师。
- ArcGIS缓冲区分析支持下的城市规划用地布局环境适宜性分析
- The Urban Planning Land Layout Environmental Suitability Analysis Supported by ArcGIS Buffer Analysis
- 浏览量:
- 戴忱
- DAI Chen
- 摘要:
本文针对城市规划中用地布局的方案比选以及城市规划环境影响评价中用地布局环境合理性的评价难以量化的问题,利用ArcGIS 的空间分析功能进行缓冲区叠合分析,结合Delphi 法进行因子打分、层次分析法确定因子权重,构建了一套初步的方法体系。将五大类城市建设用地分为环境敏感性用地、环境服务性用地和污染源性用地三类,形成居住用地布局适宜性、工业用地布局适宜性、交通用地布局适宜性和绿地广场布局适宜性四个评价系统。并以钦州市城市总体规划为例,对城市用地布局的适宜性进行量化,结果较为直观,具有较高的科学性和可比较性,从环境合理性角度对判断不同规划用地布局方案的优劣提供了较好的支撑。 - 关键词:
城市规划用地布局;环境适宜性分析;ArcGIS;缓冲区分析; - Abstract: In this paper, regarding the difficulty to quantify urban planning land layout scheme comparison and environmental reasonableness of land use layout in urban planning impact evaluation, ArcGIS's spatial analysis is used combined with the Delphi method and AHP to determine the factor weights to build a preliminary methodology. Five categories of urban construction land were divided into three categories such as Environmental sensitivity land, environmental services land and sources of pollution land. It formed four evaluation systems such as the suitability of residential land layout, the suitability of industrial land layout, the suitability of transportation land layout and the suitability of green square land layout. And the paper took the Overall Planning of Qinzhou city as an example, and quantified the suitability of the layout of urban land, the results were more intuitive, scientific and comparable. It provided better support from the perspective of environmental rationality to judge the pros and cons of the different planning land use layout program.
- Key words: urban planning land layout; environmental suitability analysis; ArcGIS; buffer analysis
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