- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)10-0070-06
- 中图分类号:TU-023 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:袁新国,男,硕士,江苏省城市规划设计研究院,城市规划师;
- 从“责备圈”到“责任圈”——新加坡绿色建筑市场发展经验借鉴
- From the ‘Blame Circle’ to the ‘Responsibility Circle’: The Experience Learned from Singapore’s Green Building Market
- 浏览量:
- 袁新国 滕珊珊
- YUAN Xinguo TENG Shanshan
- 摘要:
绿色建筑的推广普及是长期的市场选择过程,供需双方的发展是决定其成功与否的关键。本文主要从供需双方角度介绍了新加坡绿色建筑市场从“责备圈”到“责任圈”的发展与转变,引进一些有代表性的绿色建筑开发案例,最后总结了这一转变的3 个动力与支撑,即“强制﹢ 激励”的管理方式、“世界+ 地域”的技术方式和“互利+ 责任”的公众意识,旨在为我国绿色建筑市场良性发展提供一定经验和借鉴。 - 关键词:
责备圈;责任圈;新加坡;绿色建筑市场;启示; - Abstract: The popularization of green building is a long process of market selection. The development of the supply and demand parties is the key to its success. Firstly, this paper introduced the development and transformation of the Singapore’s green building market from the‘blame circle’to the ‘responsibility circle’in terms of supply and demand parties. Secondly, some typical green development cases were introduced. Lastly, the paper concluded three driving forces and support of the transformation which are the management of ‘mandate + incentive’, the technology of ‘international + native’, as well as the public awareness of ‘mutually benefit + responsibility’. Thus, the final goal is to provide certain references and enlightenment to our domestic green building market development.
- Key words: blame circle; responsibility circle; Singapore; green building market; enlightenment
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