- 文化创意产业与创意城市发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)11-0010-05
- 中图分类号:G124 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学研究项目“农村文化创意产业发展研究”(12YJC630304);山东省社会科学规划项目“基于文化创意产业推进的城镇化发展研究”(13CJJJ22)阶段性成果;本研究成果得到山东省高等学校青年骨干教师国内访问学者项目经费资助。
- 作者简介:张振鹏(1973-),男,济南大学管理学院副教授,研究方向为文化创意产业。
- 文化创意产业推进农村城镇化的功能、路径与对策
- The Function, Path and Countermeasures of Cultural and Creative Industries to Promote Rural Urbanization
- 浏览量:
- 张振鹏
- ZHANG Zhenpeng
- 摘要:
农村城镇化是我国当前城镇化发展的重心,文化创意产业对其发展具有经济、文化和社会功能。农村文化资源、创意能力、产业结构和市场空间的分析结果表明,文化创意产业推进农村城镇化发展具有可行性,其发展路径分为产业化、市场化、城镇化三个阶段,其发展政策应该明确目标,协调两个关系,注重两个均衡。 - 关键词:
文化创意产业;农村城镇化;功能;路径;对策; - Abstract: Rural urbanization is the development focus of the urbanization in our country. Cultural and creative industries have economic, cultural and social functions in its process. The analysis result of cultural resources, creativity, industrial structure and the market space indicate that feasibility of cultural and creative industries promote the development of rural urbanization. Its development path is divided into three stages, industrialization, marketization and urbanization. In the development stage, clear objectives should be set, development relations should be coordinated, and both should be balanced.
- Key words: cultural and creative industries; rural urbanization; function; path; countermeasures
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