- 城市化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)11-0093-06
- 中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:41171441);江苏省住建厅重点资助项目(批准号:S2012zx01-03)。
- 作者简介:沈惠新,女,宿迁学院资源环境与城乡规划管理教研室,讲师;
- 徐州市村庄空间形态演化研究
- Study on Village Morphology Evolution of Xuzhou City
- 浏览量:
- 沈惠新 常江 尤海梅
- SHEN Huixin CHANG Jiang YOU Haimei
- 摘要:
运用实地调查等方法,以徐州市域30 个样本村庄为研究对象,分析了村庄空间形态的演化类型和演化成因,总结出村庄空间形态演化过程中在村庄肌理、空间结构、功能布局等三个方面的阶段性特征,进而探讨其演化规律。最后进一步分析了规律背后的机制,并对村庄的空间形态优化提出了讨论性的建议。 - 关键词:
村庄空间形态;空间形态演化;徐州市; - Abstract: Due to the different research points of view of the various researchers and research methods, the concept of the central district has been exploring and deepening and there is no conclusion. On the basis of the analysis ofrelevant concepts of central district, and from the five aspects to build a framework of interpretation of the concept of the central district: central district location, space vectors, landscape image, industry characteristics and psychological awareness, the concept of the central district is defined. On this basis, from three properties of the central district, as economy, space and society, the connotation of the central district, and then, from the spatial location, rating scale, the dominant function, industry characteristics, mode of operation and other standards are discussed.Using field investigation method, this paper analyzes the evolution types and evolution influence factors of 30 sample villages in Xuzhou city. It summarizes three stage evolution characteristics including village texture and space structure and functional layout, then investigates the regularities of village morphology evolution. Finally, this paper analyzes the evolution mechanism and puts forward suggestions about the village morphology optimization.
- Key words: the village morphology; morphology evolution; Xuzhou city
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