- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)11-0057-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:彭敏学(1978-),男,同济大学城市规划博士,注册规划师,广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院上海分院副院长、总工程师。
- 浅论我国大城市住房的发展约束及其政策启示
- On the Housing Development Constraints of Large Cities & its Policy Implications
- 浏览量:
- 彭敏学
- PENG Minxue
- 摘要:
我国大城市住房发展处于快速城市化与住房制度市场化改革的双通道进程中。快速城市化形成的巨量的住房需求,与尚不完善的住房供应方式共同引致了大城市住房发展中的结构性约束。在经济增长与短期利益导向下,分散的住房建设行动进一步“显化”了大城市的住房问题。文章指出,大城市住房的健康发展有赖于地方政府、开发商等各方主体行动的有效整合。形成“区隔”化的供给结构,将有助于构建“多层次”的住房供应体系。 - 关键词:
快速城市化;大城市住房;发展约束;政策启示; - Abstract: Large cities’ housing development is in the dual process of rapid urbanization and marketoriented housing reform. Both the mega housing demand inspired by urbanization and the immature housing supply system contribute to the formation of structural constraints of housing development. Under the orientation of economic growth and short term earnings, decentralized housing action further unfolds large cities’ housing dilemma. This article points out the healthy housing development that depends on the action integration of local movement and real estate developer as well as other corresponding partners. The composition of “detached housing supply” will contribute to the construction of“multi-layer” housing supply system.
- Key words: rapid urbanization; housing in large cities; development constraints; policy implications
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