- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)12-0072-05
- 中图分类号:TU984.2 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:韩高峰,硕士,国家注册规划师,一级注册建筑师,高级规划师,赣州市城乡规划设计研究院院长;
- 城市安全视角下排水系统建设的探讨——基于福寿沟的启示
- Study on the Construction of Drainage System of Historical City in Perspective of Urban Safety: Case Study of Fushou Ditch
- 浏览量:
- 韩高峰 黄仪荣
- HAN Gaofeng HUANG Yirong
- 摘要:
近年来,国内频发的城市内涝对城市安全构成了严峻挑战,特别是北京“721”暴雨事件以来,城市排水工程建设再度引起社会高度关注。堪称城市水利工程史上奇迹的赣州福寿沟,历经900 多年仍然在发挥作用,造就了赣州“千年不涝”的传奇。文章基于城市安全的视角,探索福寿沟的运行机理,分析基于福寿沟的赣州现代排水系统构建,并结合国内外先进城市排水系统建设经验,探索完善现代城市排水系统建设的措施。 - 关键词:
城市安全;城市排水系统;福寿沟; - Abstract: In recent years, the frequent urban waterlog becomes a severe challenge to urban safety. Especially after the Beijing “721” rainstorm, urban drainage project arouses great concern again. Fushou Ditch, which is called miracle of urban hydraulic engineering history, is stilling working for 900 years since it was built, and brings up the legend that the waterlog never happens in Ganzhou city for nearly one thousand years. From the perspective of urban safety, this paper analyses how Fushou Ditch works, and the construction of modern drainage system based on the experience Fushou Ditch, as well as foreign and domestic advanced experience in urban drainage system to explore measures of improving urban drainage system.
- Key words: urban safety; urban drainage system; Fushou Ditch
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