- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)12-0102-05
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(50878091)“中部大城市簇群式发展机理及空间调控关键技术研究”和国家自然科学基金(51178200)“中部地区县域新型城镇化路径模式及空间组织研究”资助。
- 作者简介:单卓然(1987-),华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院博士研究生,研究方向为区域发展与规划;
- 跨省域低碳城市群健康发展策略初探——以长江中游城市群为例
- The Research on the Healthy Development Strategy of the Inter-provincial Domain of Low-carbon Urban Agglomeration: Take Urban Agglomerations of Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 单卓然 黄亚平
- SHAN Zhuoran HUANG Yaping
- 摘要:
长江中游城市群低碳健康建设对引领中部地区崛起、协调区域发展和培育国家第四经济增长极意义重大。通过解读新时期跨省域低碳城市群内涵,揭示长江中游城市群构建的时代意义。基于以往研究成果,创新将健康城市理念与结构引入其中,归纳、构建长江中游低碳城市群建设的五大低碳健康系统:低碳健康政治系统,低碳健康产业系统,低碳健康科技系统,低碳健康文化和空间系统,针对性提出各核心系统的策略。主张政治系统树立参与理念,建立联动机制,推行差异化策略;产业系统调整区域结构,探索区域分工和互补;科技系统实现能源高效清洁、建筑节能及技术创新;文化系统创新同源文化,促进技术集成;空间系统关注区域环境安全、调控土地利用、构建交通网络、修复碳汇化空间、倡导行为减碳。呼吁关注我国跨区域城市群低碳健康建设问题,以期为区域城市发展献言。 - 关键词:
跨省域;低碳城市群;长江中游城市群;健康城市;低碳健康系统; - Abstract: The urban agglomerations of middle reaches of the Yangtze River has a big significant impact on leading the rise of the central China, coordinating regional development and nurturing the nation's fourth economic growth pole. The article reveals the significance of building urban agglomerations of middle reaches of the Yangtze River by interpreting connotation of inter-provincial domain of low-carbon urban agglomeration in the new period. Based on researches before, the author introduces the concept and structure of healthy cities innovatively and generalizes five low-carbon health systems of construction of the urban agglomerations of middle reaches of the Yangtze River which are low-carbon health political system, low-carbon health industrial system, low-carbon health technical system, low-carbon health cultural system and low-carbon health spatial system, and then, the author puts forward different tactics against every system. The author advocates that political system should form the concept of participation, build the linkage mechanism and pursue the strategy of differentiation. The industrial systems should adjust the regional structure and explore regional division of labor and complementary. The technical systems should achieve efficient and clean energy, build energy efficiency and technological innovation. The cultural systems should innovate homologous ones and promote technology integration. The spatial systems should pay attention to the security of regional environment, regulate the use of land, build the transportation network, repair the space of carbon sinks and initiate the low-carbon habitat in order to call attentions to the construction of the inter-provincial domain of low-carbon urban agglomeration in China and offering words.
- Key words: inter-provincial domain; low-carbon urban agglomeration; the urban agglomerations of middle reaches of the Yangtze River; healthy cities; low-carbon health systems
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