- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)12-0061-07
- 中图分类号:K901 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:姚亦锋,南京师范大学地理学院教授,南京大学博士,研究方向:城市规划、风景园林、遗产保护、人文地理。
- 长江影响与东吴建都对于南京城市的深远意义
- The Impact of the Yangtze River and the Profound Implications of the Establishment of Wu(229-280AD) Captial in Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 姚亦锋
- YAO Yifeng
- 摘要:
地理景观对城市的起源和发展是重要的,古都保护规划需要探寻地理格局之中的景观时空变化和演替轨迹。长江对于南京城市景观起源和变化始终有着重要而深刻的意义。三国时期,东吴孙权依靠长江天堑在南京创建都城而割据南方,随后历史各个阶段皆以自然地理格局构建南京都城,至今影响着南京城市空间布局。早先南京城市构筑出现最重要的依据是自然唯物的,后来逐渐被笼罩于“王气”、“风水”、“紫光”等唯心说法。现代“古都风貌保护规划”必须依顺自然山水系统脉络实地调查古城市遗迹现状,考察分析目前古都风貌保护与现代城市建设主要冲突地段;保护古都赖以生存的自然山脉河流脉络系统,是现代城市景观特色的基础。 - 关键词:
古都景观;长江;自然地理格局;南京城市; - Abstract: The geographical landscape of the origin and the development of the city is important. For a preservation plan of an ancient city, we need to explore the temporal and spatial change and succession of geography. The Yangtze River for the origin and change of Nanjing city landscape has important and profound meaning. During the Three Kingdoms Period, Sun Quan relied on the insurmountable Yangtze River to establish the capital in Nanjing and built his base in the South. Then each dynasty of history built Nanjing city based upon its natural geographical characteristics, which influenced Nanjing city space layout. Earlier, Nanjing city buildings reflected the natural materialism, and later gradually enveloped into "King atomshere” "Feng Shui" "violet idealism". A new "ancient capital landscape preservation planning" must be completed in natural landscape system context. Protection of ancient relics of the natural mountains and rivers is the foundation of modern city landscape characteristic.
- Key words: ancient landscape; the Yangtze River; natural geography; Nanjing city
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