- 邻避设施规划建设研究
- 文章编号::1009-6000(2013)02-0030-06
- 中图分类号:D63 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:本文为2010年国家哲社基金项目《突发事件网络舆论传播模式和演进机制研究》(批号:10CG072)部分研究成果。
- 作者简介:李敏(1974-), 女,中国浦东干部学院副教授,博士,华东师范大学公共管理学院与美国哥伦比亚大学联合培养博士,主要从事政府危机管理研究。
- 城市化进程中政府公共决策和公民参与的新挑战及对策研究——以启东7.28王子造纸厂排污事件为例
- A Study on the Challenge and Countermeasures to the Public Policy Decision-making and Civil Participation in Urbanization——A Case Study of a Pollution Discharge Incident in Qidong
- 浏览量:
- 李敏
- LI Min
- 摘要:
南通市和宁波市都是在全国最早开展社会管理创新实践的典型城市,却在同一年爆发了影响全国的环境维权群体性事件。由此,有关政府大型工程的公共决策所引发的市民群体性维权事件,越来越引起各地各级政府的高度重视和深入思考。为了预防和减少这类事件的发生,创新政府公共决策和公民参与的要求已经迫在眉睫。本文通过分析江苏南通启东王子造纸厂排污事件,来诊断同类事件的灾源,并以小见大提出解决问题的思考和建议。 - 关键词:
公共决策;公民参与;程序正义; - Abstract: Both Nantong and Ningbo are the role models of innovation on the social governance at a national-wide level, which have enjoyed high reputation. However, both of them witnessed the influential mass events against environment pollution. Hence, the mass events induced by the public policy decisionmaking concerning the large-scale government projects have inspired the heated discussion and thinking from the officials at different levels. In order to mitigate and prevent this kind of events, the innovation of government policy decision-making and civil participation have become an urgent issue. By analyzing the case of the residents of Qidong, a seaport town in city of Nantong, protesting the government’s plan to dump wastewater from a paper mill into their harbor, the paper tries to diagnosed the sources of crisis and puts forward the pragmatic countermeasures on the events.
- Key words: public policy decision-making; civil participation; procedure justice
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