- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)02-0074-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金“基于城市设计的大尺度城市空间形态演化机理和优化控制”项目(50978052)。
- 作者简介:高源,东南大学建筑学院,副教授。
- 基于多因子评价的地理信息系统在我国大尺度城市设计中的应用发展趋势
- Development Tendency of GIS Application in Large-scale Urban Design Cases Based on Multi-factor Assessment in China
- 浏览量:
- 高源
- GAO Yuan
- 摘要:
伴随我国的快速城市化进程,地理信息系统成为解决大尺度城市设计项目在技术层面操作的重要回应。通过近十年相关应用的梳理,论文提出在多因子评价的视角,进行多元化与动态化的尝试,其发展趋势包括:因子建构方面形成覆盖经济、生态、社会三种类别的共性特征;因子量化中坚持设置权重的思路;系统运算方面,基于传统GIS 静态单一的处理模式。 - 关键词:
地理信息系统;大尺度城市设计;多因子评价;因子量化; - Abstract: During the rapid urbanization in China, GIS has become an important technique tool used in large-scale urban design cases. Based on the relevant application analysis in recent ten years, its development tendency on the method of multi-factor assessment was summed up as follows: Firstly, three main categories were recommended as economy, ecology and society from factor-selected view. Secondly, aiming at non differentiation and equivalent differentiation to factors selected, the idea of weight setting was established. Finally, diversification and dynamism were introduced into system calculation process based on traditional static GIS operation.
- Key words: GIS; large-scale urban design; multi-factor assessment; factor quantization
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