- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)02-0100-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:2010年广州市科技计划项目:广州市居住社区碳排放评估方法与模型研究项目(2010Y1-C621);教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(10YJC840036):城市公共设施服务水平的社会公平性动态变化研究项目。
- 作者简介:江海燕(1973-),女,博士,广东工业大学建筑与城市规划学院,副教授;
- 城市家庭碳排放的影响模式及对低碳居住社区规划设计的启示——以广州为例
- The Impact Pattern of Urban Household Carbon Emission and Implications for the Low-Carbon Resident Community Planning: A Case Study of Guangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 江海燕 肖荣波 吴婕
- JIANG Hai-yan XIAO Rong-bo WU Jie
- 摘要:
城市居住社区碳排放是城市碳排放的重要组成部分,社区尺度的碳减排研究对建设低碳城市具有重要意义。论文通过广州33 个小区2045 个家庭的调查数据定量研究城市家庭碳排放的影响模式,结果表明:(1)家庭碳排放结构为能源:物质:交通近似于6:2:2;(2)住房面积、家庭人口数、区位、小区规模(容积率)、空调功率、小汽车数是各项碳排放量的最主要影响因子;(3)除了家庭平均年龄、房屋朝向、空调设置温度与碳排放量呈负相关之外,其他因子均呈正相关。期望通过规划设计手段,改进直接可控变量、引导间接可控变量,综合城市规划和管理多种手段、多个尺度的合力,塑造低碳社区。 - 关键词:
家庭碳排放;影响模式;低碳居住社区规划;广州; - Abstract: The research on urban resident community’s carbon emission is meaningful to the Lowcarbon City. The article aimed to study on the impact pattern of the urban household carbon emission by the quantitative analysis based on the survey data of 2045 households from 33 communities. Those were concluded that (1) The structure of the household carbon emission was that the proportion of the Energy Carbon Emission, the Material Carbon Emission and the Transport Carbon Emission were about 6:2:2. (2) Apartment Area, Number of Family Population, Location of the Community, Scale of the Community, Power of the AC and Number of the Car were the most important factors to the carbon emission.(3)Almost all of the surveyed factors were positive to the carbon emission except for Mean Age of the Family, Direction of the Apartment and Setting Temperature of the AC. It was expected that Low-carbon Resident Community would be achieved with the planning and designing methods through improving the direct and indirect factors integrated with other methods in the city, the community and the architecture scale.
- Key words: household carbon emission; impact pattern; Low-carbon Resident Community Planning; Guangzhou
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