- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)02-0057-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:江苏省哲社研究基地重点项目(10JD003),2010年教育部人文社科规划基金项目(10YJA630161)。
- 作者简介:林柄全,江苏师范大学城市与环境学院,硕士研究生;
- 城市行政管理体制变迁视角下市域城镇体系规模结构分析-以江苏省宿迁市为例
- The Analysis of Scale Structure of Urban System from the Perspective of Urban Administrative Institutional Change: A Case Study of Suqian City in Jiangsu Province
- 浏览量:
- 林柄全 王仲智 宋潇君 张洵 岳秋丽
- LIN Bing-quan WANG Zhong-zhi SONG Xiao-jun ZHANG Xun YUE Qiu-li
- 摘要:
采用城镇首位度、位序—规模法则和金字塔模型分析宿迁市城镇体系规模结构,发现“市带县”体制下“中心城区—县城”规模结构趋于分散,出现“小马拉大车”的特征。市域城镇规模分布存在集中的特征,但总体水平偏低,同时市区和各县的城镇规模结构及演化呈现差异性。进而分析了“省管县”体制对城镇体系规模结构的预期影响,进而基于体制变迁的背景分别从市区、县、镇不同角度对宿迁市城镇体系规模等级结构提出优化建议。 - 关键词:
市带县;省管县;城镇体系规模等级结构;宿迁市; - Abstract: The analysis of scale structure of urban system in Suqian city by urban primacy index, rank-size rule and pyramid model shows that the two-rank system of center city and county seat under the countyunder-city system tends to dispersion and appears characteristics of a little horse driving big carts. The scale distribution of urban system reflects the feature of concentration, but its overall level is relatively low. What's more, the scale structure and its evolution of urban system in urban district and each county diversify. The thesis further analyzes the anticipated impact on the scale structure of urban system under the county-under-province system and puts forward some optimized suggestions about the scale hierarchy of urban system of Suqian from perspectives of urban district, county and town based on the background of institutional change.
- Key words: county-under-city; county-under-province; scale structure of urban system; Suqian City
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