- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)03-0084-06
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:51078071);江苏省社会科学基金项目(编号:11CSJ005);2012年度江苏省社科应用研究课题“推进宁镇扬同城化的策略研究”部分成果。
- 作者简介:李迎成,东南大学建筑学院硕士研究生;
- 沪宁高速走廊地区的同城化效应及其影响因素研究
- Research on Urban Integration Effect and its Influencing Factors in the Highway Corridor Area between Shanghai and Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 李迎成 王兴平
- LI Ying-cheng WANG Xing-ping
- 摘要:
通过构建沪宁高速走廊地区同城化效应的测算模型,分析了该地区同城化效应的主要特征,并在定性分析该地区同城化动力机制基础上,对影响同城化效应的各类因素进行计量检验。结果表明:该地区的同城化效应呈现出明显的距离衰减规律和以都市圈为主导的特点。地理区位、政策法规、要素禀赋和经济结构等四类因素共同决定了该地区的同城化进程,前三类因素以及经济结构因素中经济实力差距对同城化的影响较为显著且稳定,但经济结构中的产业同构指数对同城化的影响并不显著。 - 关键词:
同城化;沪宁高速走廊地区;影响因素; - Abstract: Through the building of the model of estimating the urban integration effect of the highway corridor area between Shanghai and Nanjing, this paper analyzes the main characteristics of urban integration effect in this area, and on the basis of the mechanism analysis of urban integration, this paper also analyzes the influencing factors of urban integration effect in this area empirically. Research results show that this area’s urban integration effect is at a relatively low level as a whole, and is featured by distance-attenuation law and metropolitan-leading phenomena. The geographical location, policies and regulations, factor endowments and economic structure are four main factors deciding this region's urban integration process, with the influence of the former three factors and the index of economic gap are relatively obvious and stable. However, the index of similar industrial structure exerts less obvious influence on this area’s urban integration.
- Key words: urban integration; highway corridor area between Shanghai and Nanjing; influencing factors
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