- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)03-0077-07
- 中图分类号:TU984;K878 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:郝丽君,女,华北水利水电学院建筑学院,讲师,主要研究方向为建筑设计及其理论;
- 基于城乡统筹的早商府城遗址保护规划策略研究
- Planning Strategies of Early Shang Fucheng Sites Protection Based on Urban and Rural Harmonious
- 浏览量:
- 郝丽君 肖哲涛 李红光 张东
- HAO Li-jun XIAO Zhe-tao LI Hong-guang ZHANG Dong
- 摘要:
在城乡统筹的社会背景下如何进行遗址保护与利用是一个值得关注和研究的问题。本文在总结早商府城遗址概况、分析遗址本体和周边环境的破坏因素、并对府城遗址进行价值评估的基础上,从城乡统筹发展的角度剖析府城遗址保护面临的矛盾,最后从区域整合协调、分区分级保护、保护性利用和管理保障机制完善四个方面提出了基于城乡统筹的整体保护的规划策略,以期对如何在城乡统筹中府城遗址的保护进行积极的探讨,寻找遗址可持续发展与城乡统筹协调的双赢之路。 - 关键词:
城乡统筹;府城遗址;规划策略; - Abstract: It is worth to pay attention to and study how to protect and utilize the sites based on urban and rural harmonious. This paper summarizes the early Shang Fucheng sites, and analyzes destructive factors of the sites and the surrounding environment. On the basis of the value assessment of the Fucheng sites, the paper discusses the sites facing contradictions of the protection from urban and rural harmonious and development. Finally, the paper proposes planning strategies of overall protection based on urban and rural harmony from four parts of the regional integration coordination, hierarchical and regional protection, protective utilization and perfect management and protective system. It hopes to positively explore ways to protect Fucheng sites based on urban and rural harmony, and find a win-win way that the sites sustainable development is coordinated with urban and rural harmony.
- Key words: urban and rural harmonious; Fucheng sites; planning strategies
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