- 城市文化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)04-0025-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:2012年度辽宁经济社会发展立项课题“辽宁省工业遗产保护与特色文化城市建设研究”(2012lslktzixxjc-08)阶段性成果。
- 作者简介:韩福文(1953-),男,汉族,辽宁营口人,沈阳师范大学旅游管理学院教授、硕士生导师,研究方向:旅游经济;
- 基于工业遗产保护的辽宁特色文化城市建设探讨
- Study on the Construction of Characteristic and Cultural City in Liaoning Province based on Industrial Heritage Protection
- 浏览量:
- 韩福文 王芳
- HAN Fu-wen WANG Fang
- 摘要:
文化城市是一种经济增长方式和城市发展模式,是人本主义城市理念的具体体现,其精髓在于文化特色。辽宁作为一个工业大省,城市均为工业城市,因而其特色文化城市建设必然与工业遗产保护具有密切关系。本文在对特色文化城市基本内涵和精髓进行研究的基础上,着重探讨工业遗产保护与辽宁特色文化城市建设的关系,分析工业遗产保护在辽宁特色文化城市建设中的地位和作用,进而提出辽宁建设工业特色文化城市的基本对策。 - 关键词:
特色文化城市;工业遗产保护;相互关系;基本对策;辽宁; - Abstract: Cultural city is a mode of economic growth and urban development , and it is also the embodiment of Humanistic urban concept. Its essence lies in the cultural characteristics. As a major indust r ial province, all cit ies in Liaoning province are indust r ial cit ies. Thus the const ruct ion of characteristic and cultural city in Liaoning province is inevitably bound up with industrial heritage protection. Based on the research of basic implications and essence of characteristic and cultural city, this paper fully discusses the relationship between industrial heritage protection and construction of characteristic and cultural city, and then it analyzes the status and role of industrial heritage protection playing in the construction of characteristic and cultural city in Liaoning province. Finally it puts forward major strategies on construction of characteristic and cultural city in Liaoning province.
- Key words: characteristic and cultural city; industrial heritage protection; correlation; major strategy; Liaoning province
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