- 争鸣
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)04-0117-04
- 中图分类号:TU-02 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:成于思(1983-),女,东南大学土木工程学院博士研究生,研究方向:工程项目管理信息化;
- 论科学和理性的建筑工程观
- On Scientific and Rational Construction Engineering View
- 浏览量:
- 成于思 吕赛男 成虎
- CHENG Yu-si LV Sai-nan CHENG Hu
- 摘要:
我国现代建筑工程存在着大量的问题,其根源之一是人们工程观的错乱和非理性。在分析工程观和建筑工程观概念的基础上,提出了对人们的工程行为有重大影响的建筑工程观的几个主要方面。分别从建筑工程的价值观、发展观、生态观、社会观、行为观等方面探讨科学和理性的建筑工程观的内涵。 - 关键词:
工程观;建筑工程;工程观内涵; - Abstract: There are a lot of problems in the modern construction projects in China, and one of the roots causing these problems is people’s disorder and irrational engineering view. Several key aspects of construction engineering outlook that has a signifcant impact on people’s engineering behavior are proposed base on analyzing the concept of engineering view and construction engineering view. Scientifc and rational connotation of construction engineering view is discussed from value outlook, development outlook, ecological outlook, social outlook and behavioral outlook of engineering construction.
- Key words: engineering outlook;engineering construction;engineering view connotations
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