- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)05-0105-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41071078);住房和城乡建设部项目(2011-R4-2)。
- 作者简介:邓清华(1976-),女,广州大学地理科学学院,硕士,讲师;
- 城市工业遗产再利用功能定位的影响因素研究
- The Influential Factors to Functional Orientation of Urban Industrial Heritages Reuse
- 浏览量:
- 邓清华 千庆兰 黄婷薇 周涛
- DENG Qing-hua QIAN Qing-lan HUANG Ting-wei ZHOU Tao
- 摘要:
目前我国工业遗产再利用功能定位主要存在功能单一、效益低下和功利性较强的问题,其产生原因主要是缺乏对工业遗产再利用功能定位的影响因素的准确把握。本文认为工业遗产再利用功能定位受诸多复杂因素的影响,可以归结为三个层面的因素:宏观因素、中观因素和微观因素,主要包括区域产业因素、城市规划限制、区位条件、生态环境、公众意愿、本体条件、企业与开发商行为七个方面,再利用功能定位时应该综合分析这些因素。 - 关键词:
工业遗产;再利用;功能定位;影响因素; - Abstract: At current stage, industrial heritage reuse is a hot research topic, but the studies by geography academics are insufficient. The functional orientation of industrial heritage reuse is a good intervention point in geography. This paper points out three major problems in the function orientation of industrial heritage reuse including single function, low efficiency and strong utilitarian. Their causes are the lack of cognition of main influential factors to function of factors of industrial heritage reuse accurately. This paper argues that the function orientation of industrial heritage reuse, influenced by many complicated factors, can mainly be attributed to the three levels of factors: macro-level, meso-level and micro -level factors. They include regional industry, urban planning restrictions, location conditions, ecological environment, the public will, heritages themselves’ conditions, the enterprises and the developers’ behavior, altogether seven aspects. The function orientation based on the analysis of these factors, shall abide by the principles of symbiosis, sustainable development and harmonious balance.
- Key words: industrial heritage; reuse; function orientation; influential factors
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