- 乡村建设问题探析
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)06-0020-05
- 中图分类号:F301 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:郑风田(1965-),男,汉族,河南正阳人,中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院教授、博导、副院长,研究方向:农经理论与政策;
- 撤村并居中的土地问题:现状、原因与对策
- Land Issues in Village Relocation and Combination: Status, Causes and Countermeasures
- 浏览量:
- 郑风田 丁冬
- ZHENG Feng-tian DING Dong
- 摘要:
近些年部分地区开展的“撤村并居”引发了社会关注与讨论。本文首先以江苏省为例介绍了“撤村并居”的起源与现状,并对“撤村并居”推行过程中出现的侵害农民土地权益、无视村民意愿、破坏乡村风俗文化、阻碍庭院经济发展、上楼致贫等7 个问题作了剖析。然后,介绍了“撤村并居”的“土地增减挂钩”政策背景,并从土地财政推动、用地指标约束与热衷城镇化三个角度分析了“撤村并居”热潮在各地广泛兴起的原因。最后,针对新农村建设过程中出现的土地问题,给出了明确农户宅基地权益、缩小政府征地范围、尊重农户意愿、适当允许农户参与土地交易以及发展土地交易新模式等政策建议。 - 关键词:
撤村并居;新农村建设;土地增减挂钩;宅基地;农民上楼;土地财政; - Abstract: Village relocation and combination in some areas caused public concern and discussion in recent years. This paper introduced the origin and status of village relocation and combination in Jiangsu province. Then it showed the problems caused by village relocation and combination, such as the damage of the rights and interests of farmers, ignorance of the wishes of the villagers, destruction of rural customs and culture, hindrance of the courtyard economy development, poverty, and so on. What’s more, this paper described the policy and background of the village relocation and combination, while giving some reasons why there was a fever of village relocation and combination, including land finance, land indicators constraints and keen urbanization. At last, this paper gave some policy suggestions about the rural land issues, for example, giving farmers a clear homestead interest, narrowing the scope of government land acquisition, listening to the farmers’ voices, allowing farmers to be involved in land transactions and developing new land trading mode.
- Key words: village relocation and combination; construction of new countryside; linked to changes in land; homestead; farmers upstairs; land finance
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