- 乡村建设问题探析
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)06-0046-05
- 中图分类号:F327 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:住建部2011年科学技术项目计划——软科学研究项目“先发地区城乡空间转型发展与规划引导研究”部分研究成果(项目编号2011-R2-35)。
- 作者简介:朱杰,江苏省城市规划设计研究院规划师;
- 先秦诸子哲学思想对当代新农村建设的启示
- The Enlightenment on New Rural Construction from the Theories of Pre-Qin Philosophies
- 浏览量:
- 朱杰 徐菊芬
- ZHU Jie XU Ju-fen
- 摘要:
以城乡关系、自然和人工环境关系、产居关系及管治关系四对基本关系为切入点,首先分析了新农村建设实践以来的问题。其次,针对乡村发展的基本关系,对先秦诸子哲学进行梳理,构建以“对立统一”的城乡观、“道法自然”的环境观、“以农为本”产居观和“人本主义”的管治观为核心的传统乡村发展理论体系。最后,从统筹城乡资源配置、协调物质空间和自然环境、培育农村经济增长点、完善政府管治机制等方面着手,总结了先秦诸子哲学思想对当代新农村建设的启示。 - 关键词:
新农村建设;乡村发展观;先秦诸子哲学;启示; - Abstract: Based on the four basic relationships including the urban with the rural, the artificial with the natural, the industrial with the residential and the rule with the ruled, this paper analyzes the problems in the process of new rural construction. Afterwards, from the basic rural relationships angle of view, the Pre-Qin philosophies are classified and the traditional theory system on rural development is constructed, which takes conflicting and unitive urban and rural viewpoints, the harmonious environment viewpoint, the agriculture-oriented viewpoint and the people-oriented governance viewpoint as its core values. At last, by integrating urban and rural resource, coordinating physical space and natural environment, fostering rural economic growth, and improving the governance mechanism, the enlightenments on new rural construction from the theories of Pre-Qin philosophies are summarized.
- Key words: new rural construction; rural development theory; Pre-Qin dynasty philosophy; enlightenment
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