  • 规划与设计
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)07-0088-06
  • 中图分类号:F127;F299    文献标识码:A
  • 项目基金:青岛市第六次人口普查基金-青岛市PREE系统协调发展研究(基金项目号RPKT2011005)。
  • 作者简介:陈焕珍(1974-),女,汉族,山东省莱芜市人,青岛理工大学建筑学院讲师,硕士,主要研究方向为区域规划。
  • 县域尺度主体功能区划分研究
  • The Research on Main Function Division in Country Scale
  • 浏览量:
  • 陈焕珍
  • CHEN Huanzhen
  • 摘要:
    传统的GIS 主体功能区划分存在等级分界处评分差别太大、不能区分同级别不同类别、主观赋权引起的评价结果受主观影响较大等不利因素,已有的文献未能将相关的数学模型引入GIS 进行改进, 导致主体功能区划分结果精度较低。因此引入系统聚类法进行县域尺度主体功能区划分, 采取变异系数法确定权重,以胶州市为例进行了实证分析,将胶州市分为四类区域:都市核心圈、核心外围圈、限制发展圈、禁止发展区;并依据主体功能区划分结果和城市总体规划的原则,将胶州市规划为“一核一轴两翼五区”的发展模式,从而将主体功能区与城市总体规划有机地衔接在一起。研究结果与胶州市实际情况相符,本研究对于其他县域主体功能区划分和城市总体规划具有一定的实践意义。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: There exist unfavorable factors in traditional GIS major functional areas. The related mathematical models in existing literature are not introduced to GIS, which leads to a lower accuracy of the results of major functional areas zoning. So system clustering is introduced as the way of county scale main functional areas zoning. The variation coefficient method is taken to determine the weight of indexes, and Jiaozhou city is taken as an empirical example. Jiaozhou city is divided into four types of regions: the urban inner circle, core peripheral circle, restricted development circles, and the Prohibited development area. According to the main functional areas divided results and the overall urban planning principles, Jiaozhou city is planned as "one core, one axis, two wings and five areas" development mode, so the main functional areas with the overall urban planning are organically combined. The results match the actual things, so the research has a certain practical significance of major functional areas zoning for other country planning.
  • Key words: main function region; hierarchy clustering; variation coefficient; country scale
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