- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)07-0049-07
- 中图分类号:TU984;F592.7 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:郝丽君,女,华北水利水电学院建筑学院,讲师,主要研究方向为建筑设计及其理论;
- 与旅游共赢的函谷关文物保护规划策略研究
- Win-Win Strategy of Hangu Pass Protection and Tourism
- 浏览量:
- 郝丽君 肖哲涛 李红光
- HAO Lijun XIAO Zhetao LI Hongguang
- 摘要:
在总结函谷关遗址概况、资源类型和价值评估的基础上,剖析了旅游开发与文物保护之间的矛盾,从网络化资源整合、划分保护层级、利用遗址公园模式、共建基础设施、明晰管理保障体系五个方面提出了与旅游共赢的函谷关文物保护规划策略,以期对函谷关遗址的文物保护兼顾旅游开发进行积极探讨,寻找遗址文物保护与旅游协调的双赢之路。 - 关键词:
函谷关遗址;文物保护;旅游开发;规划策略; - Abstract: Based upon summarizing the Hangu Pass sites, resource types and the value assessment of the Hangu Pass, the paper discusses the sites facing conflicts between protection of cultural relics and tourism development. Finally, the paper proposes Win-Win Strategy of Hangu Pass Protection and Tourism from five parts of network resources integration, division protection, utilization by site park, co-building infrastructure and distinct management and protective system. The authors hoped to positively explore how to give consideration to protection and tourism development for Hangu Pass sites, and find a win-win way that the sites sustainable development is coordinated with tourism.
- Key words: Hangu Pass sites; protection of cultural relics; tourism development; planning strategies
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