- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)07-0109-03
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:张靖(1975-),男,河南新乡人,管理学硕士,新乡学院社会科学部讲师,主要从事思想政治教育与公共管理研究。
- 论后现代城市绿化建设与管理的八项原则
- On the Eight Principles of Post-Modern City's Afforestation and Related Management
- 浏览量:
- 张靖
- ZHANG Jing
- 摘要:
和谐社会的建设首先要实现人与其生存环境之间的和谐,尤其是与其生活息息相关的人化环境之间的和谐。城市,作为现代人类生活的核心区域,作为一个很大程度上脱离自然环境的人化环境,更需要通过绿化来弥补其先天缺陷与不足。然而,无论在时间上还是在空间上,肇始于欧洲工业化时代的现有城市绿化理念都显得越来越不能满足我国城市发展与社会进步的需要。我们迫切需要一套新的城市绿化原则为和谐城市的建设提供指导和服务。 - 关键词:
后现代;城市绿化;原则; - Abstract: The construction of a harmonious society is to firstly realize the harmony between the people and their environment, especially the humanized environment to which their lives are closely related. As the core area for modern people’s life, and a humanized environment broken away from the natural one to a great extent, city is supposed to have its innate defects and deficiencies made up with afforestation. However, the current philosophy of modern city afforestation, which was originated from the Industrial Age of Europe, is falling behind the requirement of urban development and social progress either in time or space. What we urgently need is a new set of principles for city afforestation, which is to provide guidance and services for the construction of a harmonious city.
- Key words: post-modern; urban afforestation; principle
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