- 土地利用结构优化与城乡发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)07-0030-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目,西北典型城镇区(带)城乡一体化的空间模式及规划方法研究,基金号:51178372。
- 作者简介:张沛,男,西安建筑科技大学,教授;
- 生态功能区划视角下的西北地区城乡空间规划方法研究——以海东重点地带为例
- A Study of Urban and Rural Spatial Structure Method from the Perspective of Ecological Function Zoning: A Case Study Of Northwest Urban Agglomeration Haidong Prefecture
- 浏览量:
- 张沛 杨欢 孙海军
- ZHANG Pei YANG Huan SUN Haijun
- 摘要:
城乡空间是自然生态与人工建设长期博弈的结果,在资源——生态——经济矛盾不断凸显的现实背景下,亟需改变传统的空间构建方法,建立一种生态友好型的新型方法以指导城乡空间健康有序发展。研究以地处西北生态脆弱区的青海海东地区典型城镇带为案例,通过对地区自然生态本底和区域生态安全格局的分析,运用基于生态功能分区的城乡空间布局方法(E Z S C),构建适合西北典型城镇带持久发展的城乡功能空间,以有效控制开发建设活动,指导城乡空间的可持续发展。 - 关键词:
生态功能分区;城乡空间;海东地区重点地带; - Abstract: Urban and rural space is the long-term game result of natural ecology and artificial building. With the reality of continuous conflicts between resources, environment and ecnomy, there is the urgent need to change the traditional space structure method so as to establish a new eco - friendly method to guide healthy and orderly development of urban and rural space.The study takes Haidong areas in Qinghai that located in the northwest ecologically fragile zone as a case , analyzing the region's natural ecology background and regional ecological security patterns, using the urban and rural space structure method from the perspective of ecological function zoning( EZSC ) and building a urban and rural function space which is sustainable for Northwestern areas, in order to effectively control the development and construction activities , and to guide the sustainable development of urban and rural space.
- Key words: ecological function zoning; urban and rural space; key areas; of Haidong prefecture
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