- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)07-0056-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助课题(编号:51178096):基于空间历史信息系统(SHIS)的城市形态变迁研究。
- 作者简介:刘鹏,东南大学建筑学院,研究生;
- 大遗址保护背景下偏远乡镇的建设空间布局研究——以贵州可乐考古遗址为例
- A Research of the Development of the Construction Space of Townships in Remote Areas against the Background of Great Ruins Protection ——A Case Study of Kele Archaeological Site in Guizhou Province
- 浏览量:
- 刘鹏 董卫
- LIU Peng DONG Wei
- 摘要:
大遗址区域内建设空间的布局和调整是关系到遗址保护与遗址区良性发展的重要问题。实际上建设用地的布局调整是客观条件同遗址自身情况的综合权衡。一方面“城市——遗址——叠压建设”三者间用地关联紧密:遗址所在的中心城市为大遗址的保护和开发提供了经济、政策的支撑,并决定了总体发展潜力,另一方面遗址区内建设用地本身的价值也需要充分考虑。本文以可乐遗址为例,总结了偏远地区乡镇建设空间的布局策略,强调了乡镇利用遗址公园建设实现就地城市化的发展思路。 - 关键词:
大遗址;建设空间;可乐遗址;就地城市化; - Abstract: It is still a challenge for the planning of great ruins to balance the protection and the expansion of construction space against the background of urbanization. In fact the layout adjustment of construction space is a combination of objective conditions and the self-condition of the heritage. On the one hand, the city, the heritage and the overlapping construction space, has a strong relevance, and the distance between the central city and the heritage and the scale of the overlapping space have influence on the last decision. On the other side, the value of the overlapping space also needs to be considered. Taking the Kele Archaeological Site as an example, this paper summarize the policies of the development of the construction space of townships in remote areas, focusing on the importance of local urbanization in the process of heritage park construction.
- Key words: Great Ruins; construction space; Kele archaeological site; local urbanization
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