- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)08-0008-04
- 中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:姜石良(1979—),男,硕士,河北省城乡规划设计研究院规划研究所副所长。
- 新时期省域城镇体系规划编制需注意的几个问题——以河北省为例
- Discussion on Several Problems in New Round Provincial Urban System Planning: A Case Study of Hebei Province
- 浏览量:
- 姜石良
- JIANG Shiliang
- 摘要:
我国省域城镇体系规划已开始新一轮编制。在《城乡规划法》及《省域城镇体系规划编制与审批办法》的指导下,新一轮规划更加关注国家空间战略的需求、新型城镇化的政策导向、省域资源的空间优化配置、区域空间布局的统筹协调、空间管制的可操作性。新形势与新背景下,应对发展转型,充分发挥省域城镇体系规划在调控全省空间资源利用中的作用,河北省新一轮规划有几个方面需给予重点把握:一是探索河北特色的城镇化模式; 二是强化城镇群作为推进城镇化的主体形态; 三是构筑开放的区域城镇发展格局; 四是探索空间管制的规划深度与实施手段;五是注重规划的实施性与可操作性。 - 关键词:
省域城镇体系规划;区域统筹协调;空间管制;规划实施;河北; - Abstract: China’s provincial urban system planning has started a new round of revision. Under the guidance of the “Urban and Rural Planning Law” and the “Provincial Urban System Planning and Approval Methods”, the new round concentrates on the needs of the national space strategy, the new urbanization policy guidance, the optimal allocation of provincial resources, the co-ordination of the regional spatial layout, and the space control operability. Under the new situation and new background, in order to respond to development transformation and effectively play the role of provincial urban system planning in the regulation of the province's space resource utilization, several aspects need to be emphasized in the new round of planning: firstly, explore the urbanization mode with Hebei characteristics; secondly, strengthen the urban group as the main form of promoting urbanization; thirdly, build an open urban development pattern; fourthly, explore the depth of planning and implementation of spatial development control; fifthly, pay attention to the implementation and operability of planning.
- Key words: provincial urban system planning; regional co-ordination; spatial development control; planning implementation; Hebei province
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