- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)08-0095-04
- 中图分类号:U12 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:北京市自然科学基金项目《城市交通运输瓶颈的技术创新与共生系统协同突破对策研究》资助,项目资助编号9123026;67科研基地——科技创新平台——现代物流信息与控制技术研究(项目代码:PXM2012_014214_000067)。
- 作者简介:张博,北京物资学院信息学院副教授;
- 北京市解决交通堵塞的对策分析
- Countermeasures to Solve Traffic Jams in Beijing
- 浏览量:
- 张博 倪东生
- ZHANG Bo NI Dongsheng
- 摘要:
种技术手段、管理手段、行政措施等提高道路的通行效率问题。解决北京交通堵塞问题要多种措施并举,通过建立一级二级交通枢纽和快速公交车专用车道以及收费措施,限制私家车辆进入市区,鼓励市民使用公共交通工具出行;通过对现有交通设施进行改造,以及管理手段提高现有道路的利用效率;通过电子商务、电子政务等电子业务的建设以及改善城市功能布局减少市民的出行。 - 关键词:
交通;拥堵;车辆;公交;管理; - Abstract: For the increasingly serious traffic congestion in Beijing, this article focuses on analysis of how to improve road traffic efficiency on the basis of the existing road resources through the use of a variety of techniques, management tools, and administrative measures. Multiple measures should be adopted simultaneously to solve the traffic congestion problems of Beijing. Through the establishment of primary and secondary transportation hub and rapid bus dedicated lanes, and toll measures to limit private vehicles entering the city, and to encourage people to use public transport to travel. To transform the existing transportation facilities and management tools to improve the efficiency in the use of the existing road. Through the building of e-commerce, e-government and e-business and the improvement of the layout of urban functions to reduce public travel.
- Key words: traffic; congestion; vehicles; bus; management
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