- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)08-0025-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:河南省科技厅软科学项目(122400450235);河南省科技攻关项目(1221102210559);河南省教育厅重点项目(13B520878)。
- 作者简介:王峰玉(1981-),女,汉族,河南唐河人,讲师,硕士,郑州航空工业管理学院,注册城市规划师,研究方向为城市规划与区域规划;
- 川西林盘聚落规划探索及对新型农村社区建设的启示
- Exploration of Linpan Settlement Planning in West Sichuan and the Revelation for the New Rural Community
- 浏览量:
- 王峰玉 陈延辉
- WANG Fengyu CHEN Yanhui
- 摘要:
林盘是川西平原典型的农村聚落单元,是农耕时代人地关系互动的结果。在当前农业产业结构调整和城镇化的背景下,林盘聚居模式面临调整和更新。结合郫县花牌村林盘聚落点规划实践,从产业布局、总体规划格局、空间环境、建筑风貌与设计等方面进行规划分析,探索保护传统聚落形态、维护地域特色的规划落实途径。最后提出林盘聚落规划对新型农村社区建设的启示;突出产业支撑,聚落定位强调功能复合,延续和传承乡村地域特色等。 - 关键词:
林盘;聚落;新型农村社区;规划;地域特色; - Abstract: Linpan is a typical rural settlement unit in west Sichuan Plain, which is the result of the interactive relationship between people and land in the impergium. In the context of the agriculture adjustment and urbanization currently, Linpan settlement is facing adjustment and updating. Taking the Linpan settlement point in the Huapai village of Pi country for example, the paper analyzes the industrial layout, the pattern of overall planning, space environment, the architectural style and design and so on, exploring the way of protection of traditional settlement pattern and maintenance of regional characteristics. Finally, the paper puts forward the revelation on the new rural community, including emphasis on industry support, the complex functions of rural settlement, continuity and heritage of rural geographical features.
- Key words: Linpan; settlement; the new rural community; planning; regional characteristics
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