- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)09-0115-06
- 中图分类号:F114.46 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金:基于跨域治理的不同空间尺度城市群规划体制机制研究(51078246);教育部人文社科项目:基于跨域治理的都市圈规划体制重建(09YJCZH088);苏州科技学院创新计划项目(SKCX12S_002)。
- 作者简介:郭旭,苏州科技学院建筑与城市规划学院城市规划与设计专业硕士研究生;
- 欧盟“去一体化”及其对国内区域一体化的醒示
- EU's Disintegration and its Warnings for Regional Integration in China
- 浏览量:
- 郭旭 李广斌 施雯 王勇
- GUO Xu LI Guangbin SHI Wen WANG Yong
- 摘要:
尽管欧盟经济政治一体化成绩斐然,但“去一体化”的声音和活动此起彼伏,始终伴随着一体化的进程。文章从不同主体、不同领域两个角度阐述了欧盟“去一体化”的现实表现,分析了“去一体化”的深层动因,从空间规划视角提出欧盟应对之策。最后从利益协调机制完善创新、地方多元共治合作框架建构以及发挥社会中介组织作用三个方面为国内区域一体化提出相关发展建议。 - 关键词:
欧盟;去一体化;空间规划; - Abstract: Despite the EU's economic and political integration have made much progresses, the appeals and activities of EU’s disintegration call out one after another, which are always accompanied by the integration process. This paper analyzes the two actual expression of EU's disintegration from two different perspectives, and analyzes the profound reason; put forward the EU’s countermeasures under the perspective of space planning. Finally the authors try to foresee the future of the regional integration in China from three respects: improvement and innovation of the interest coordination mechanisms; construction of local pluralistic cooperation framework and the rise of civil society organizations.
- Key words: the European Union; disintegration; spatial planning
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