- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)09-0070-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家自然基金地区项目(41261042);2011年度省属高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目;2010年度甘肃省高校研究生导师基金项目(1001-22);西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划-骨干项目(SKQNGG10029)。
- 作者简介:李巍,讲师,西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院,城市规划与旅游景观设计研究院副院长;
- 游牧民定居视角下的村庄整合与发展战略研究——以甘南州合作市为例
- The Study of the Village Integration and Development Strategy from the Perspective of Nomads Settling: A Case Study of Hezuo City
- 浏览量:
- 李巍 王录仓 王生荣 李得发
- LI Wei WANG Lucang WANG Shengrong LI Defa
- 摘要:
协调好生态环境保护与区域经济社会发展的关系,推进少数民族游牧民人口聚居区的城镇化建设,是当前和今后一个时期藏区游牧民定居的一项重要内容。实施牧民定居工程,是改善牧民生产生活条件、提高牧民生活质量、结束牧民游牧历史、减轻政府管理成本、推进牧区走向小康的重要途径。论文在回溯合作市游牧牧民定居基础上,选择经济发展条件、社会发展条件、区位条件14 个指标,利用层次分析法对合作市41 个行政村(37 个行政村、街道办事处管辖的2 个村民小组)的综合实力进行测算,按照实力大小将全部村庄划分为四级。对比发现,其中城郊村庄实力明显优于周边乡镇,牧区优于半农半牧区;游牧民定居点选择往往选择发展实力和条件较好的村庄;根据合作市游牧民定居的方式和途径,可以将其村庄的发展类型总结为村改居、发展村、控制村、撤并村四种,并提出了各类村庄发展引导的路径。 - 关键词:
游牧民定居;村庄综合发展实力;村庄整合;合作市; - Abstract: "Nomads Settle Project" is a major construction task in "Gannan Yellow Important Ecological Function of Water Supply Areas". Therefore, the construction of settlements of nomadic population, spatial displacement and spatial integration process of the population and settlement must be guided. This article selects conditions of economic development, social development conditions, geographic conditions, and many other indicators. Using AHP method to analyze the comprehensive strength of 41 administrative villages in Hezuo city, all of the villages will be divided into four classes. The results show that the strength of pure pastoral farming villages is better than farming-pastoral villages. And the strength of suburban villages is better than the surrounding villages and towns. And the strength of northern villages is better than southern villages. Accordingly 41 villages are divided into four types as changing communities, developing villages, controlling villages, and revoking-merging villages. Finally we propose the guide to make village planning.
- Key words: nomads settling; comprehensive strength of village development; village planning guide; Hezuo city
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