- 土地财政问题探析
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)09-0036-04
- 中图分类号:F810 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:蔡龙(1965- ),男,博士,研究员级高级工程师,全国市长研修学院客座教授,南京大学金陵学院城市与资源学系兼职教授,研究方向:土地资源与环境。
- 刍议我国土地财政与地方政府债务风险
- Discussion of China’s Land Finance and the Risk of Local Government Debt
- 浏览量:
- 蔡龙
- CAI Long
- 摘要:
土地财政是我国地方政府经营城市的重要手段, 也是举债融资的最主要支撑。随着我国城市化率的不断提高,地方政府的债务风险也在不断累积。本文从我国土地财政的成因入手,分析寄生于土地财政的地方政府债务问题,研究基于城市理性增长及可持续城市化的土地利用策略,提出控制地方政府债务风险的有效方法。 - 关键词:
土地财政;地方政府债务;城市理性增长;可持续城市化; - Abstract: China’s land finance is not only an important means for local government running the city, but also a principle support for debt payment of local government. As China's urbanization rate continues to improve, local government’s debt risks are constantly accumulating. This thesis will discuss the cause of China’s land finance and analyze the local government debt issues which related by the land finance, then develope a land utilization policy that based on reasonable urban growth and sustainable urbanization and propose effective methods for controlling debt risk of local government.
- Key words: land finance; local government debt; urban reasonable growth; sustainable urbanization
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