- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)01-00110-06
- 中图分类号:F592 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:本研究受国家旅游局重点课题(批准号:12TABK004)支持。
- 作者简介:王晓庆,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,副教授。
- 国内外旅游偏好研究综述
- The Research Review on Tourism Preference at Home and Abroad
- 浏览量:
- 王晓庆
- WANG Xiaoqing
- 摘要:
本文在回顾了近30 年国内外旅游偏好研究文献的基础上,对旅游偏好的概念内涵、研究视角、研究历程和研究特征进行了综述。国外关于旅游偏好的研究具有: 起步早,领域广泛;重定量,方法多样; 多实证,研究深入等特点。国内关于旅游偏好的研究则具有: 起步虽较国外晚,但相关研究成果快速增长;以心理学角度理解为主,缺乏从经济学视角分析的尝试;研究成果以单一的定量分析方法为主,缺少复杂深入的研究方法探索与应用等特点。同时本文对显示性偏好和陈述性偏好进行了比较分析,并提出一些关于旅游偏好尚需深入研究和推进的问题,如旅游偏好、旅游需求、旅游态度、 旅游感知、旅游动机和旅游决策之间的相互关系。 - 关键词:
国内外;旅游偏好;研究特征;综述; - Abstract: The paper reviewed the literature for 30 years on tourism preference at home and abroad, from different aspects: concept intensions, perspectives, history and characteristics. The research of foreign tourism preference has characteristics as follows: an early starting and a wide range of field; thoughts of quantifying and taking a variety of methods; abundant demonstration and in-depth research. Corresponding to that, the research at home also shows some characteristics: mainly using the way of psychological point of view to understand leads to its lacking the attempts of analysis from an economic perspective and using a single quantitative analysis method while missing complex and in-depth research methods to explore applications. Meanwhile, comparative analysis on revealed preference and stated preferences has been made, and issues are proposed that the travel preferences still needs further study and promotion, such as the interrelationships between tourism preferences, tourism demands, tourism attitude, tourism perceptions, tourist motivation and tourist decision making.
- Key words: at home and abroad; tourism preference; research characteristics; research review
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