- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)10-0055-06
- 中图分类号:U12 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:朱小玉,武汉市规划研究院;
- 抑制私人小汽车通勤出行的城市空间单元特征研究
- Study on the Structure of Urban Spatial Unit Aiming at Mobility Inhibiting
- 浏览量:
- 朱小玉 卢有朋
- ZHU Xiaoyu LU Youpeng
- 摘要:
基于实证的问题导向研究方法,选取武汉市水果湖、珞瑜路、南湖花园三个街区为例,定量对比各街区物质空间特征,统计样本通勤出行方式、出行距离。认为用地混合程度、渗透度与公交设施对通勤出行特征有深刻影响,最终总结出抑制私人小汽车通勤出行空间单元的相关模式。 - 关键词:
抑制私人小车出行;城市空间单元特征;尺度;职住平衡;出行结构; - Abstract: According to the study of problem-oriented methodology, three blocks, Shuiguohu, Luoyu road, Nan hu, are selected as research objects. By comparing their physical spatial structure, counting the proportion of different travel methods, and analyzing factors affecting the commuting characteristic, the researchers suggested that relationship between commuting characteristic and people’s social attributes exist. At last, the land-use structure of city spatial unit plays a much more important role in choosing nonmotorized as travel method.
- Key words: mobility inhibiting;spatial structure of the city; scale; job-housing balance;travel structure
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