- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)10-0108-07
- 中图分类号:F590 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李昕(1976-),男,城市规划博士,联合国教科文组织亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心(上海)副主任;
- 中国古城门票的制度经济学分析——从凤凰古城门票事件看中国古城保护制度困局
- Institutional Economic Analysis of the Tickets of Historic Cities in China——From Fenghuang Historic City Ticket to Institutional Dilemma of Historic City Conservation in China
- 浏览量:
- 李昕 柴琳
- LI Xin CHAI Lin
- 摘要:
运用新制度经济学研究方法,指出古城在本质上属于一种特殊的土地资源,其历史文化价值的整体性、公共性、外部性等特征使其成为一个历史文化价值“公共区域”,而古城保护则类似于建设一个极为特殊的“古城历史文化公园”,必须以特定的土地商业模式为基础。古城门票实际上代表了一种古城土地商业模式,对中国现有古城土地商业模式的比较制度分析表明,门票模式在中国古城保护历史中扮演了重要的角色,其主导地位来源于其对中国特殊制度环境所具有的最佳适应性。应辩证和历史地分析古城门票在中国古城保护中的作用,在高层政府缺位的情况下,对凤凰等小型古城而言门票模式虽不高级但却较为适宜,必须构建各方平等的社会沟通机制以防止古城门票的扭曲和变形。 - 关键词:
古城保护制度;古城门票;土地商业模式;凤凰古城; - Abstract: By using the method of neo-institutional economics, the author argues that a historic city is a special kind of land resources and could be seen as a historic public domain due to the entity, publicity and externality of its historic value. Thus the conservation of a historic city is similar to the construction of a special historic city park, which must be based on a specific land-use business model. Historic city tickets represent a special business model of the construction of a historic city park. Comparative institutional analysis of current land-use business model of historic cities in China shows that, the ticket model plays an important and leading role in China’s historic city conservation due to its best adaptability to China’s institutional environment. The role of the ticket model must be evaluated from a dialectical and historical perspective. Due to the lack of the support from the high-level government, ticket model is a suitable business model to Fenghuang historic city although it is not so advanced. The distortion and the abuse of the ticket model could not be stopped unless an equal rule of the game between different stakeholders is established.
- Key words: institutions of historic city conservation; ticket of historic city; business model of land-use; Fenghuang historic city
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