- 城市化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)10-0031-08
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金项目(11BJL001)。
- 作者简介:雒海潮(1980—),男,河南科技学院城市规划教研室主任,博士,讲师。
- 城镇化质量辨析及经验研究述评
- Discrimination on Concept and Recitation on Empirical Analysis of Urbanization Quality
- 浏览量:
- 雒海潮
- LUO Haichao
- 摘要:
城镇化质量研究始于关注城镇化内涵式发展即城镇现代化水平和城乡一体化水平,多使用综合指标测度。随着研究深入,城镇化质量的概念在不断拓展,从关注城镇现代化和城乡差距扩展到涉及城镇化推进效率、城镇化可持续发展、城镇化协调发展,城镇化质量内涵不断丰富。回顾城镇化质量经验研究,其研究思路和方法在不断完善,研究对象开始涉及到不同尺度区域。根据研究结果提出的城镇化质量提升对策涉及发展经济、创新制度、统筹城乡、改善城镇质量、社会和民生、坚持可持续发展以及完善行政管理等各个方面。 - 关键词:
城镇化;城镇化质量;经验研究; - Abstract: With regard to researches on urbanization quality, attentions were first given to the connotative development of urbanization, namely the urban modernization level and the urban-rural integration level, which were usually measured by comprehensive indicators. As researches continuously broadened the concept of urbanization quality, research attentions were shifted from urban modernization and widening urban-rural gap to urbanization progress and efficiency as well as sustainable and coordinated urbanization development, constantly enriching the concept of urbanization quality. By reviewing previous empirical studies on urbanization quality, we can see that research ideas and methods have been continuously improving and research objects have been expanded to include regions of different scales. According to the research results, measures are proposed to improve the quality of urbanization development, including promoting economic development, making innovation in institutions and systems, coordinating the urbanrural development, enhancing the quality of urban-rural development, improving social life and people’s livelihood, maintaining sustainable development, and developing better administrative system, etc.
- Key words: urbanization; urbanization quality; empirical analysis
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