- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)10-0046-04
- 中图分类号:U125 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:张小辉(1985-),男,博士,江苏省城市规划设计研究院,交通规划;
- 城际铁路客运枢纽功能属性与演变进程分析
- The Analysis of the Functional Properties and Evolution Process of the Intercity Passenger Rail Hub
- 浏览量:
- 张小辉 过秀成 杜小川 邓润飞
- ZHANG Xiaohui GUO Xiucheng DU Xiaochuan DENG Runfei
- 摘要:
随着区域城际铁路的规划建设,城际铁路客运枢纽作为一种新型的枢纽类型,其功能定位、站址区位、周边土地利用等具有显著的特征。本文界定了城际铁路客运枢纽的内涵属性,从城市门户、交通服务、引导发展、城市节点方面分析了其系统功能;以枢纽交通功能与城市功能的变迁为出发点,提出了城际铁路客运枢纽三个典型发展阶段及演变进程;最后,结合城际铁路客运枢纽发展趋势,对枢纽布局选址、功能定位和交通衔接设施配置方面给出具体建议。 - 关键词:
城际铁路;客运枢纽;功能属性;演变进程; - Abstract: With the planning and construction of regional inter-city railway, intercity passenger rail hub as a new type of hub has the Significant characteristics in the functional orientation, site location and surrounding land use. This paper defines the intercity passenger rail hub connotation property, analyzes its system functions from the aspects of the City portals, transport services, guide development and urban node. Changes in transportation hub in the city functions and function as a starting point, the paper proposes intercity passenger rail hub in three typical stages of development and the process of evolution. In the end, combined with the intercity passenger rail hub developing trends, the paper gives the advice on the site layout, function and transport facilities configuration interface.
- Key words: intercity rail; passenger hub; functional properties; evolution process
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