- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)11-0075-06
- 中图分类号:F293.1 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:刘志宇(1989-),男,湖南大学经济与贸易学院硕士研究生,研究方向为城市与区域经济、资源与可持续发展等;
- 我国城市群中心地体系与聚集分形特征研究——以湖南“3+5”城市群为例
- A Study on the Central Places System and Fractal Feature of China’s City Group:The Case of Hunan “3+5” City Group
- 浏览量:
- 刘志宇 张扬
- LIU Zhiyu ZHANG Yang
- 摘要:
以湖南省为例,运用中心地理论与聚集分形模型分析了“3+5”战略规划下城市群的空间结构与等级体系。结果表明:“3+5”城市群的空间结构兼有市场原则(K=3) 与交通原则(K=4) 的双重性质,且服从K=133 的勒施市场等级指数,属第46 级市场区;同时,“3+5”城市群以一级中心地为中心,其二级中心地空间分布紧凑合理,三级中心地较为松散,四级中心地呈现内松外紧的双分形结构。 - 关键词:
湖南省;“3+5”城市群;中心地;分形;随机聚集; - Abstract: This paper had an analysis of the spatial structure and the hierarchy and also the random aggregation and physical mechanism of the central places of Hunan 3+5 city group by using a combined method of the Central Place Theory and Fractal Theory. The results are calculated as follows: The distribution structure of the 3+5 city group appears to similar to Christaller’s K=3 system, however, symmetry breaking phenomenon makes it belong to the level-46th market zone. With the first level central places being the center point, the second level central places present an obvious fractal structure characteristic. The third central places, however, present a insignificant fractal structure characteristic while the fourth level central place exhibit a more complex result, showing a double-form fractal structure.
- Key words: Hunan; 3+5 city group; central place; fractal; random aggregation
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