- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)11-0092-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:2012年国家社会科学基金,文化大繁荣背景下遗址保护与都市圈和谐共生机制研究,项目编号:12XJY009;2013年陕西省社会科学基金,城市空间发展与大遗址区保护协调性评价及优化机制研究,项目编号:13D151。
- 作者简介:冉淑青,陕西省社会科学院经济研究所助理研究员;
- 城市空间发展与大遗址保护协调性研究——以西安为例
- Research on the Coordination of City Space Development and Conservation of Big Cultural Site:A Case Study of Xi’an
- 浏览量:
- 冉淑青 裴成荣
- RAN Shuqing PEI Chengrong
- 摘要:
本文研究目的:将城市的两大元素——文化与空间结合起来,实现城市空间发展与大遗址保护的协调。方法:通过实地考察、访谈与座谈获取一手数据,采用定量分析方法对当前城市空间与大遗址保护的协调性进行评价。结果:城市不同区位大遗址在文物保护、经济发展、环境建设以及社会环境方面面临不同的发展境遇。结论:通过促进大遗址区空间“再生”、构建大遗址区多元特色开放空间、建设大遗址区和谐社会空间、发展大遗址特色文化产业空间等路径实现城市空间与大遗址保护的协调发展。 - 关键词:
城市空间;大遗址保护;协调; - Abstract: Aim:Making a combination of the two important elements of city: culture and space, to achieve the coordination of city space development and of great site protection.
Methods:the first-hand data has been collected through on-the-spot investigation, interview and discussion, and quantitative analysis was adopted to evaluate the coordination of city space and big cultural sites. Results:Big cultural sites of different locations in the city faced different situation regarding cultural relics protection, economic development, environment and social environment.
Conclusion:Some measures, including promoting the big ruins area space "regeneration", building the big ruins area multi features of open space and harmonious social space, developing characteristic culture industry space, should be adopted to achieve the coordinated development of the culture and space of the city.
- Key words: city space; conservation of big cultural sits; coordination
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