- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)11-0036-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:林瑛(1978-),女,湖北武汉人,无锡江南大学设计学院讲师;
- 儿童友好型城市开放空间规划与设计——国外儿童友好型城市开放空间的启示
- The Planning and Design of Child Friendly City Open Space: Enlightenment of the CFC’s Open Space Aboard
- 浏览量:
- 林瑛 周栋
- LIN Ying ZHOU Dong
- 摘要:
儿童是人类的未来,城市开放空间是儿童户外游憩、生活、学习的主要场所,纵观中国目前城市,却未有从儿童层面考虑,如果把儿童看作弱势群体的代表,那么城市规划的基本价值是否得以体现堪忧。论文从城市开放空间的定义入手,通过国外规划设计实例,探讨儿童友好型城市开放空间的规划应对。 - 关键词:
儿童友好型城市;开放空间;儿童空间利益;规划设计;空间安全; - Abstract: Children are the future of humanity. City open space is the main place for children for outdoor recreation, living, learning, but, at present, the Chinese cities are not for children. The basic value of city planning isn’t reflected. Learning from open space aboard, the paper discusses the child-friendly city strategies in China.
- Key words: CFC; open space; children’s space interests; plan and design; space security
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