- 保障房建设的实践探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)11-0012-05
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:黎明月,清华大学建设管理系和房地产研究所硕士研究生;
- 容积率奖励在我国保障性住房建设中的应用与创新
- The Application and Innovation of FAR Bonus in the Development of Affordable Housing in China
- 浏览量:
- 黎明月 吴璟 郑思齐
- LI Mingyue WU Jing ZHENG Siqi
- 摘要:
土地和建设资金是当前各级政府持续推动保障性住房建设面临的两个主要瓶颈,容积率奖励作为一种规划激励手段,有可能成为破解这两个难题的有效政策措施。围绕容积率奖励机制,本文首先探讨其在我国“狭义”层面的应用现状,并基于北京市某项目的案例分析,证明容积率奖励是提升开发企业配建保障性住房积极性最有效的配套措施之一。在此基础上,针对在“狭义”层面应用中存在的两大局限,从丰富容积率奖励对象和引入容积率转让机制两方面入手,探讨如何在“广义”层面上更充分发挥容积率奖励机制在保障性住房建设中的作用。 - 关键词:
容积率奖励;保障性住房;激励机制;容积率转让; - Abstract: The shortages in land and capital are two major challenges in the sustainable development of affordable housing in current China. In this paper we investigate how to apply FAR (floor area ratio) bonus to provide more incentives to both market participants and local governments, and to encourage them to arrange more resources to develop affordable housing. The current application of FAR bonus in Chinese cities is firstly discussed. Based on a case in Beijing, FAR bonus is proved to be very effective in encouraging developers to provide more affordable housing units in their private housing projects. Then it is suggested that the effect of FAR bonus can still be substantially enhanced and hence play an even more important role in the development of affordable housing by being applied to more types of participants and by introducing the mechanism of “transfer of development right”.
- Key words: FAR bonus; affordable housing; incentive mechanism; transfer of development right
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