- 保障房建设的实践探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2014)11-0023-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:董世永,男,重庆大学建筑城规学院,山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室,副教授;
- 基于三方博弈的保障性住房选址机制研究——博弈失衡与角色重构
- Research of Site Selection Mechanism of Affordable Housing Based on the Tripartite Game — Game Imbalance and Role Reconstruction
- 浏览量:
- 董世永 张丁文
- DONG Shiyong ZHAGN Dingwen
- 摘要:
本文在对我国保障性住房空间布局的问题和建设模式综合分析的基础上,从三方博弈的角度,探讨了低收入居民的社会需求、开发商的经济诉求和政府对综合效益的平衡,指出我国保障性住房边缘化集中布局、职住分离、公共服务设施缺乏等问题根本上是源于因为政府主导、开发商偏向和低收入居民话语权缺失而失衡的三方选址博弈机制。最后通过借鉴美国保障性住房建设中角色激励的经验,提出了拓宽社会投资渠道、对开发商采用制度激励、强化公众参与和城市规划引导和控制能力等重构策略。 - 关键词:
保障性住房;三方博弈;选址机制;美国; - Abstract: This article first makes a comprehensive analysis about the spatial layout problems and the construction patterns of affordable housing in our country. Then, from the perspective of the tripartite game, discusses the social demands of low-income residents, the economic demands of developers and the balance of the comprehensive benefits kept by the government. After that, this paper points out that the marginal centralized layout, the phenomena of separation of workplace and residence and the lack of public service facilities of the affordable housing in our country are rooted in the imbalance of the tripartite game mechanism. At last, by reference to the role of motivation in the affordable housing strategy in the USA, this article puts forward strategies such as widening the channel of social investment, adopting incentives for developers and strengthening public participation and the ability of guidance and control of urban planning.
- Key words: affordable housing; the tripartite game; site selection mechanism; America
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